Better than the new Spider-Man movie
Better than the new Spider-Man movie
lol, thanks my friend, hails from brazil, it's been ages i have not watched a new movie
This thing is as crusty as a youtube video with 3 bars
well I made this on my 3DS so that's probably why
Great animation!
Thank you!
This animation is truly madness
(get it because madness madness combat)
Way better than the Mandalorian
Mango is the hero we always needed.
I like it!
"Avengers: Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover"
Man! You think Infinity war is the most ambitious crossover? Look at this!
mmmmmm i have nothing against this crossover, but since I'm not a big fan of Marvel, I prefer Batman vs Superman of DC ^^
Uhh *BURP* Morty! I have some how messed up all *BURP* of time and space which results in you *BURP* spinning Morty! *BURP*
Close one! ;)
I like to draw pictures and occasionally make them move.
Banner by: @aapiarts
Basement I
Joined on 5/23/22