I zoned out half-way through this. I don't really get it. He is just talking.
I zoned out half-way through this. I don't really get it. He is just talking.
I always lose it in the pizza tower boss fights. They make Cuphead and Dark souls look like baby games.
She needs to work out so she can finally counter incineroar's attacks.
"Avengers: Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover"
Man! You think Infinity war is the most ambitious crossover? Look at this!
mmmmmm i have nothing against this crossover, but since I'm not a big fan of Marvel, I prefer Batman vs Superman of DC ^^
Uhh *BURP* Morty! I have some how messed up all *BURP* of time and space which results in you *BURP* spinning Morty! *BURP*
Close one! ;)
Devious little rat >:(
Well that was something.
Is that a dick?!?!?!?!! :O
Yeah, though I guess you could imagine it as a ball of socks if it makes you enjoy it more.
I love this! Very comedic!
I like to draw pictures and occasionally make them move.
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Basement I
Joined on 5/23/22