Best scratch game
Best scratch game
Thanks for the review.
Thank You!
The account and the game are run by Tom Fulp to get people to buy supporter!1!1!1!111!!
I want to encourage users to support this site. Back when I was a teenager NG motivated me to learn game development and I even got my first commissioned project through this site.
This game is pretty nice but some of the keys prompts show up as controller buttons as if I'm using a controller. And some of the dialogs can cut off of the screen if it's too long.
Hi Prismisho,
Thank you for taking the time to test my demo. I will correct this on the next update, you're feedback is a big help.
this game is too hard!!!!
I'll reduce the difficulty on a future update.
This is pretty ok.
Thanks. I made this all the way back in 2013.
Har har har im gonna rate this submission a 5 so it doesn't get near 3 stars!!!
You monster!!! (Thanks)
We got a anime antagonist here fellas
My guy switched from Construct 2 to Construct 3!
only sometimes > : )
This is pretty OK. There are some small kinks there and there.
it's just a devbuild, i will improve accordingly the critics
I like to draw pictures and occasionally make them move.
Banner by: @aapiarts
Basement I
Joined on 5/23/22